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■Phone 0967-83-0260

■Hours & Holidays unscheduled

■Fee rod \100yen a fish \360yen fish 1㎏ \1,800yen

■Rainbow Trout


Eastward 18.1km from Utase Campground

Enjoy a day in the sun, catching Rainbow Trout, and eating them either grilled or raw.

Surrounded by nature, you can enjoy a beautiful view while fishing with the family.

The road access is very narrow, please drive carefully!

Yamameno Sato

■Phone 0982-83-2326

■Hours 8:00~17:00

■Fee  Fish up to 500g for 1,500yen (with a rod and bait)

              Over 500, add 250yen/100g

■Yamame River Trout, Miyazaki Masu Salmon


Southward 11.7km from Utase Campground

The fish pond is located along Namiki River, upstream of Gokase River, and next to Hotel Forestopia.  An abundant and well stocked location, you are guaranteed a fun day full of fish.  Take your catch home, or grill it at the restaurant Enohanoie nearby.

Ryokusenkyou Fishing Park

■Phone 0967-82-3224

■Hours 8:30~17:00

■Open From March to September

■Fee Pay for fish in advance.

             Yamame (1kg)・2,700yen

             Trout (1kg)・2,000yen

■Yamame River Trout, Rainbow Trout



Southward 19.3km from Utase Campground

Take the whole family to enjoy mountain stream fishing in Ryokusenkyou campground.  Upstream of Midorikawa River, the water is crystal clear and the popular sightseeing spot, Ugeno-doukutsu cave 穿の洞窟 is also nearby.  Enjoy a full day of water fun and exploration.

Kigounotaki Tsurisenta

Fishing Center

■Phone 0967-64-0440

■Hours From 7:00 to sunset

■Closed  New Year’s Day 



・a day・・・4,200yen

・a half day(am/pm)・・・3,150yen

・evening (from 4pm to sunset)・・・2,100yen

・evening (for children )・・・1,600yen

【Bait fishing for 4 hours】



■Rainbow Trout, Salmo Trutta, Yamame, Red-spotted Masu Trout, Japanese Char


Northward 19.3km from Utase Campground

This facility is situated deep in the mountains in a 1,500m valley, and is an exciting fishing place for everyone, from advanced anglers to children.  Enjoy a variety of fishing styles like bait fishing, fly-fishing, and lure fishing. 


■Open From March to September

■License fee  day 800yen

                            year 1,800yen

  Purchase licenses at Utase’s front desk.

■Yamame, Rainbow Trout, Japanese Dace, Minnow, Dark Chub, Carp, Eel


Northward 5km from Utase Campground

Takishita is the main stream of Gokase River running closest to Utase Campground.  It runs deep through the local canyon, a hidden spot that is beautiful in all seasons, especially fall.  Swim, fish, and explore the river but take care; the river is rocky and wild, the local road is quite narrow.  Please ask Utase staff for details.

Ogata Yougyojo Fish Farm

■Phone 0967-82-3182

■Hours & Holidays unscheduled

■Fee    set meal  2,000yen

      each item 300yen

☆Please book in advance, three days 



Southward 19.3km from Utase Campground

A unique, local experience, this restaurant serves a variety of Yamame dishes such as standard broil with salt, tempura, fried, raw (fresh with a crunchy texture), and simmered.  Enjoy all these dishes in a set meal, or have the skilled chef arrange the order to your liking.


TEL:0967-83-0554 FAX:0967-72-9090
営業時間: 8:00~18:00


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